Spiaggia Marina di Tiggiano

Marina di Tiggiano

The Marina di Tiggiano Beach includes a stretch of coast characterized by wide hilly promontories that slope directly into the waters of the Adriatic Sea, and low cliffs with inlets typical of this area that draw an area rich in charm and history. We are on the eastern coast of lower Salento, just a few kilometers from Capo di Leuca, and this coastal stretch encloses all its beauty, which is manifested through the typical dry stone walls, a coastline that presents a breathtaking panorama and the expanses of Mediterranean scrub to mark the typicality of an area all to be discovered. Since 2006 this area has been part of the Costa Otranto - Santa Maria di Leuca e Bosco di Tricase Park, precisely to safeguard its specificity of an area rich in environmental and landscape aspects. For lovers of trekking, the Marina di Tiggiano offers several nature trails with small paths that get lost in the unspoiled nature, among the various scents of wild shrubs that mix with the smell of the sea breeze in a riot of emotions that are difficult to describe with simple words; perhaps I could make an effort and find the right way to tell objectively and sincerely about certain landscapes, but to make the idea of what I am writing you have to live certain sensations and appreciate firsthand the beauty of these areas. This stretch of coastline turns out to be impassable for the most part, my advice is to rent a small boat and enjoy the sea in all its complexity, let yourself be caressed by that light summer breeze and go in search of the hidden coves and small caves that characterize much of this area. The blue, transparent sea is ideal for snorkeling and visiting the seabed rich in fish, but taking advantage of it for a healthy swim and afterwards drying off under the rays of the Salento sun is also a good alternative. The Salento summer offers many interesting insights and the Tiggiano Marine Beach is a beautiful experience all to live and tell ... happy vacations.

Last Updated: 20/10/2022, Tonio Viva

Foto Spiaggia Marina di Tiggiano

Marina di Tiggiano